Science in Te Kinga 
Over the Term 1 students in Te Kinga have been refining their powers of OBSERVATION in Science. It started with the Year 5 and 6 group looking closely at the properties of baking ingredients...
Then something terrible happened! (No teddy bears were hurt in the process of this experiment!)
So it was the job of Te Kinga students to figure out what and who was involved in the events before 'Gingy' the library bear disappeared ...
...the students can tell you what was discovered!
Last week the Year 5 and 6 students made Hokey Pokey - with a scientific perspective of course! After looking at the reactions between different substances in our Gingy Bear investigation, we wanted to look further into this area. We also used Google Explore to help us find describing words for our ingredients/observations. Here is Hokey Pokey made with Baking Powder and Hokey Pokey made with Baking Soda - can you tell which is which?
Last week we were fortunate enough to go to the Science Roadshow in Greymouth. The experiments the Science Teachers showed us were very interesting and the hands-on learning was a highlight for everyone! Before we left we had a look and these images - and asked ourselves, is this science? What do you think?
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