A busy start to Term 4 - Weeks 1-3 in Te Kinga
Big Feet!
In Week One Te Kinga completed a statistical investigation into whether the size of your feet was determined by your height or your gender (in age groups). We got some very interesting results and with our data determined that height was the major decider in foot length (in our class anyway!). We also found that some people were 'outliers' - these were shorter people with bigger feet or tall people with small feet. Overall it was a fun way to learn about statistics!
Measuring up! |
Athletics 2022
We did a lot of training for the Midland Line Athletics Competition in the first week back. Unfortunately the rainy weather meant this event was cancelled. Despite this, our top athletes still will go through to the West Coast Athletics Competition on November 8th - we'll keep you posted about their efforts. Here are some pics from high jump...
Traditional Dance
With our Te Kinga formal coming up at the end of the term we are busy learning some traditional dances to do on the the night. Amongst the dances we are learning is the
Itik Itik dance from the Phillipines - this one is really tricky!
Here we are doing the 'Gay Gordons' - a traditional Scottish dance.
School Gala - Learning in Technology/Finance
In the last few weeks the students in Te Kinga completed the The 'School Gala Challenge'. They had to invent or re-invent a product, service or experience that would be suited to our school gala. They also had to market the product, service or experience by creating a company and a prototype and setting up a 'stall' in class for others to sample.
Madison and Pippa setting up their stall |
Bright, bold advertising |
Preparing a logo |
Chocolate and concentration!
'Sheep Poo'! |
Food preparation |
Caramel popcorn - yum! |
'Choc n Spiders' - Madison and Pippa
'Woow Drinks' - CJ, Fletcher and Kash
Flavoured Popcorn - Solomon, Blake and Flynn |
Voodoo Minds - Books, Bookmarks and Fortune Telling - Morgan and Lily |
Sheep Poo - Kaelyn, Krystal and Zoe |
Home Baking - Brianna and Thea |
B-Pong Game - Michael, Riley Fletcher and Leo |
Brownies - Makayla and Jackie
Beautiful Birds
Last week we were very luck to have Jordan as a guest in Te Kinga. She helped us craft these beautiful bird creations, which we all agreed would be excellent to make to sell, or to give as Christmas gifts!
Awesome birds! Now I can make them at home!